Megan Fox the American model was born in May 16, 1986. She started her acting in 2001, with several tiny film and television roles, and performed an ordinary role in the television show called Hope & Faith. In 2007 the blockbuster film, Transformer helps a lot to make her popular all over the world. Megan has done different forms of plastic surgeries such as Nose Job, Lip Augmentation and Botox.
Though Megan has denied the acquisition of such plastic surgery, you can find the truth by verifying the following “Megan Fox Nose Job Before and After Photos“.

In the Life & Style magazine (July, 2009 issue) they made the argument regarding Megan that she has had different sorts of plastic surgery done! Megan Fox has been unwilling to response the questions regarding her apparent plastic surgeries.
One plastic surgeon Dr. Samayin from Los Angeles has said, “It’s totally clear Megan Fox has undergone minimum one nose job to change and to improve the look of her nose.
From different pictures as well as video footage, it is also obvious that Megan has had more than one Botox treatments in the forehead as her face lines are no longer alive, even when she shifts her face at the time of speech.
In Megan Fox after Nose Job photos, you have noticed that her nose is obviously different. In the photo, her original nose is broader than in the newer one. In some photos, you can find a better view of the change of her nose. It also shows she might have had a little cheek sculpting done.
After she had nose reshaping surgery her nose tip was a little upward and her bridge was visible. Megan fox nose job surgeon absolutely did a great nose job as it was hardly perceptible. When asked about her nose job she clearly declared them as a rumor. But the picture as well the comments from nose job specialist demonstrates something else.
Megan seems to have enlarged her lips by using very sophisticated lip injectors like Restylane. After the surgery her lips pair sits at an elevated position and more noticeable from her face, at the same time her base lip also seems to have been altered.

In the photos, her lips also appear special. In the before surgery photos, she appears to be struggling to squeeze her lips to make them look fuller. In after surgery photo of Megan Fox, her lips appear abnormally full, and the bottom lip seems quite different than the before surgery photos.
Megan Fox also appears to have received a breast enlargement surgical procedure. In the before surgery photo, her breasts were noticeably smaller in addition to less full. In the after surgery photo, her dress reveals that her breasts are completely filled out. All of her plastic surgeries have been executed very well.
Hollywood absolutely has been offering her more roles, now that she’s more attractive version of her former self. But many earlier fans nowadays refer to her new version as “Megan Faux,” because of her extensive overhaul.
We have found some online opinion about megan fox plastic surgery from her fans. One her fan shares, “As Megan has changed her appearance by using different cosmetic improvement surgeries; her present look is absolutely not natural.”
Says another fan: “She looks wonderful after her cosmetic surgery but recognizing that the only usual facial attribute she has left is her eye shade puts me off. She does not even a little resemble her old self. Now she is not seemed natural.”

These compression photos illustrate a true description of Megan Fox before and after plastic surgery. In the before surgery photo, she appears like a decent, all-American young woman.
Her face is attractive and beautiful and her chest is totally natural. In the after surgery photo, Megan she has already received all of the plastic surgery procedures. She appears older, in spite of receiving all of her plastic surgery.