We loved Tara Reid in American Pie and adored her in The Big Lebowski mainly because of her acting talents greatly complemented by her dazzling beauty and undeniable sexuality. But at 38 years old, the actress has waned a little and her initial attempts at cosmetic surgery left a lot to be desired.
Party Girl Antics
As a young upcoming actress, Tara Reid showed much promise especially after American Pie came out in 1999. However, she deteriorated into a party girl and was involved in a few drunken incidents. The most memorable of these is when she exposed her breast in an apparent drunken stupor-induced Tara Reid wardrobe malfunction in 2004. This incident led to analysts and commentators revealing that Tara Reid had undergone a very poorly done breast augmentation procedure. The Tara Reid plastic surgery botched story proved to be an embarrassment that would not quietly or quickly go away and has been a persistent pain in her acting career.

Acting Flops
While Tara Reid plastic surgery photos have been doing the rounds in tabloid publications revealing the Tara Reid plastic surgery gone wrong, the actress has had a plunging career that seems to be dwindling by the day. Alone in The Dark which she co-starred with Christian Slater was a 2005 thriller that flopped on its face and should have been a late wakeup call for her.
Her hosting of Wild On… between 1997 and 2003 should have provided her the first signs of a dying career. When the E! Network retooled it to a reality show, Taradise featuring her as the wild child, the show suffered very poor ratings in its first season and was discontinued. This was mainly attributed to her wild lifestyle and alcohol-related issues which made the show too difficult and expensive to produce. Afterwards she was involved in flop after flop and her career seemed almost as good as dead. Some examples included The Crow: Wicked Prayer in 2005, Incubus in 2006, and Senior Skip Day in 2008.
After all the fiasco with the Tara Reid plastic surgery before and after, observers see a possible Tara Reid comeback especially after it became clear that she has totally regained her beauty. The Tara Reid plastic surgery fixed story is clearly true if the images of her recent visit to the beach at Setai in Miami with her friend Maggio Cipriani are anything to go by. In the pictures you can clearly see her tummy and thighs have a more natural shape and though her breasts still look too big for her small frame she handles it well.

She is now super trimmed and very well-toned seems to have been on a detox, diet, and exercise program that has resulted in rock-hard abs, lovely arms, and well-shaped thighs that really work well for her age. She checked herself into an L.A rehab and this seemed to be a good step in the right direction back in 2008. She tried her hand as an executive producer with a modicum of success in Kill The Irishman that starred Ray Stevenson alongside Val Kilmer and Christopher Walken.