Rhinoplasty or nose job has become common practice in plastic surgery with many individuals getting their nose shaped, tuck or nipped. Among the individuals, are stars and celebrities who either keep quiet once their nose get reshaped and others come out openly.
Celebrities have embraced nose job technology with a motive to appear better and to look perfect. One such celebrity speculated to have received a nose job, is Miley Cyrus. Though there is no enough evidence about Miley Cyrus nose job, but by comparing the after and before Miley Cyrus Photos, then you will notice a lot of interesting differences.

Sometime especially when a career demands so, you will find out that many celebrities need to be more presentable before the camera and their audience. They also need to make their smile presentable and as good as possible.
Miley Cyrus was born in 1992. She is an American actress, songwriter and a singer. This has made her to gain popularity throughout the world. Apart from this, she grew in a family where her father was also an actor and this steered her early career in acting and singing.

However, as a popular actress she has faced a number of controversial issues and speculations. One such issue is on her nose job.
Is it true that Miley Cyrus could have gotten a nose job?
Many of her audiences say that her nose appears as if it was slimmed and thin. Miley Cyrus nose job came into speculation after some individuals compared her old photos with recent ones. Their conclusion was that there were some defined changes on her facial appearance.
The difference was brought out since the old photos showed that she had a wide nose but with recent pictures, she appeared to have a more thinned nose. The nose tip and bridge appear as if they have undergone some cosmetics procedures.
By comparing Miley Cyrus after and before nose job pictures, you will realize that the wide nose and grins have been replaced with less gummy and toothier smiles.

Her nose job was also scientifically proven from the fact that as the body grows the nose’s bones and cartilages also grow and increase in size. This was proven by a clinical surgeon in New York.
Italian scientists have also indicated that the nasal cartilages still grow even when the nose bones stop growing at puberty. This means that your nose cannot decrease in size as you continue growing. The allegation was used to conclude on Miley Cyrus after nose job.
From her after and before nose job pictures, it seems that her nose tip has become pointier than before. The nose tip also looks rotated and slightly pitched. Rumors suggest that the pitched nose tip could only happen after the cartilage of the nose tip is tampered with during surgery.

Other rumors suggest that her nose seems to be much slimmer and more curved. This is suggestive of possible nose job though the rumors can be linked with Photoshop tweaking.
Some cosmetics experts strongly disagree with the speculations and claim that they don’t see any significant changes with her nose. They claim that the changes noted could be as results of losing weight, makeup or normal body growth.
On her nose job view, Miley Cyrus came out strong to deny her nose job speculations through twitter. She also denied the allegations that she had breast implants.