Cher is a well known singer and actress. Her real name is Cherilyn Sarkisian. The singer was born in on May 20, 1946, in El Centro, California.
Despite her age, in the last 15 years Cher was able to look young and attractive. The secret of Cher’s great look that defies the passing of time stays in extensive and numerous plastic surgery procedure that Cher has undergone during the time.
The singer has admitted about having plastic surgery done to her nose, face, and her breasts. She also had plastic work done to her stomach, transforming her fatty tissue stomach in a flat one.

Cher also used facelift, lips therapy, fillers, eyelid surgery, crease therapies and Botox injections in her fight against aging. It seems that Cher is a great fan of plastic surgery as she is one of the heavy users of this method to keep forever young.
Cher’s plastic surgery effects are amazing, as the singer still looks young at her age and her outfits during her singing performances reveal attractive breasts, a flat belly, a tight neck, a straight forehead, glossy cheeks, and a fresh skin.

The singer also used laser therapy to erase a few old tattoos. Cher’s plastic surgery procedures were a brilliant way to turn back time and they proved to be able to keep the singer in a great physical shape.
Despite the fact that her nose was one of the things giving her charm and a very distinctive look, Cher considered that her nose might be a bit too big for her face.

Rhinoplasty surgery was used to change her nose frame and size. After she had her Rhinoplasty surgery done, we have to admit that the singer looks better and more impressive. The nose job made her nose to look slimmer, pinched, and thinner, matching well Cher’s facial features.
After giving birth to her daughter Cher felt that her breasts start to become saggy and she decided to also have breast implants surgery. Cher’s plastic surgery gave her full breasts again and, despite her age, the singer is not shy to wear revealing outfits during her singing performances.

Cher was able to change many things in her looks with the help of the plastic surgery. Her jaw line looks tighter than any woman of her age would naturally have. That is the effect of her facelift surgery.
Cher’s plastic surgery changed also the place of her eyebrows. With the help of a brow lift her eyebrows are placed higher than in her younger years. The crow’s feet in the corner of her eyes were erased with the help of the Botox injections.
The same treatment was used for maintaining the smoothness of her forehead. The bags under her eyes were erased using a lower blepharosplaty surgery. An upper blepharoplasty surgery was used to correct her upper eyelids and remove any extra skin, wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Cher’s face looks plum and soft due to fat grafting procedures. Restylane and other filler injections are used to soften her smile lines. Her skin is looking so smooth due to laser treatments and chemical peels.